Thanks to writter Susan Semenak in the Saturday Weekend Life section of the Gazette there was a little blurb about me and my lazy weekend gardening: Who: Barbara Pagani, weekend gardener Where: The family cottage in Labelle, near Mont Tremblant Favourite: Nasturtiums Pagani plants her seeds straight into the ground at the end of April or in early May. By the time she gets back to the cottage two weeks later, the seeds have begun to sprout, and by mid-summer the garden bed is a tangle of trailing green leaves and bright orange and red edible flowers. The best thing about nasturtiums, she says, is that they do best in poor soil, which encourages more prolific flowering. At the end of the growing season, she dries the seeds and stores them in a little cup on the windowsill.Barbara Pagani, weekend gardener Where: The family cottage in Labelle, near Mont Tremblant Favourite: Nasturtiums Pagani plants her seeds straight into the ground at the end of April or in early May. By the time she get...