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Showing posts from February, 2012

Art Demonstration by Shernya Vininsky - Mediums mixtes / Mixed Media

Last night our art group had a demo with Multi Medium Artist Shernya Vininsky who showed us a very different technique for painting on matt board. She used Golden Fluid acrylics and laid out some of the colours on the matt board and then took a scrap piece of matt board to spread the colours. From there she took some cut outs of some of her horses that she paints and added it to one of the boards, painted it and then when dry removed it and added it to another matt board which she later added some definition to it. I was so thrilled with all the different techniques that I stayed up till 1:30am playing around with different papers and boards and paints, inks and water colours. After some of them had dried I added to different mediums to add more colour tomorrow. I will post some photos by the end of the week when everything is complete. Here is the link to her website: and of course I added this to my Pinterest "Inspiring art work" ...

What to do with all that fusible web

One of my good friends gave me  fusible web many years ago. Being the pack rat that I am, I held on to it for at least 20 years now not knowing what to do with it but knowing it had some value. Lo and behold I finally will be able to use it for something because I am not a sewer or quilter although I must admit that I would love to get into it but just not right now...who know's maybe when I if Source from  Cloth Paper Scissors newsletter regarding  Rebekah Meier slated for the March/April issue   Rebekah has developed a technique for fusing delicate papers onto the web and then layering on paint, stamping, and stenciling to create an interesting surface that's durable enough to stitch through. The double-sided nature of the fusible web allows you to merge the layers on one side and then remove the backing and fuse the piece onto another substrate. Here's the technique. You'll need double-sided fusible web, acrylic paint, lightweigh...

Tim Holtz's new line 2012

It is definitely marketing his products and although I was disappointed that there were no demo's available, I am sure knowing Tim that a product demo will be following shortly. What I was really pleased to see was people's art work especially the sculptures with what looked to be airbrushed outfits on the mannequins. Some of the products that I am really interested in are the "distressed dual tip markers" and can't wait to see if they will ever come to if. I heard that Michaels is supposed to be coming here and maybe we'll start to see some competition for Omer Deserres.

Having fun doing some water colours

I haven't done any water colours in a while and fell in love with it all over again. Here are some of the latest paintings I did. They are all done wet on wet with watercolours paints, inks and airbrush paints, water colour pencils and then when dry detailed with my new markers "Artline 200 which is a .4 point.