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Showing posts from January, 2014

Some older paintings waiting for resin finish with Liquitex pouring medium

Now I am waiting to put a couple of mini's together to set them up for the resin finish in the basement. This one I started up north at the cottage and then I looked at it one day and thought this is a perfect candidate for a resin finish. 

I got my painting MOJO back and playing with Pebeo glitterpuffy paints sister in law got a hold of my painting MOJO and I came back from Texas with her cleaning MOJO.....but she's back to cleaning and she doesn't like it. Playing around preparing new little mini paintings and loving playing with the Pebeo glitter puffy paint.

My grandson Christian is 1 year old - Painting waiting for varnish of Winnie the Pooh

Since his room is themed Winnie the Pooh,  I made him another painting. I just love Winnie the Pooh and all the characters. They are fun to paint and I am sure he will love looking at all the colours.

Latest paintings with Liquitex paints and lots of glitter by Pebeo

Remember that painting that I made way too dark? Well it has taken a complete transformation. It still needs a little more grey to balance out the top part but I will work on that today. I am liking the romantic feel I get from it. here are some close up shots of the details

Natural Cold and Flu busting juice

I came across this Natural Cold and Flu busting juice on Rambling Renovators blog and thought I would share it

Blue oyster mushroom kit from Lufa Farms

I got a Blue oyster mushroom kit with my order a few weeks ago from Lufa Farms that grow on rooftops in Montreal and they also bundle up with local businesses for delivering other products such as coffee, teas, condiments, bakery goods and very unique products. I bought a mushroom kit quite a few years ago which I had bought on line and they were delicious so I thought I would give this one a try. Remember though this needs daily attention so don't plan a vacation after starting your kit. I got maybe 3 or 4 crops from the last one I had and there is nothing like a fresh mushrooms. My brother in law who is a mushroom picker but he is only able to do it while visiting in the Laurentiens as he lives in Texas. When he is here, we usually have some very special mushrooms as he knows which one's to pick. Anyhow I am only going to start mine in the next couple of weeks because I am just too busy doing other things. I will post the progress from start to finish....yum, I can't wai...

What to do with Chckpea sprouts

As a bonus with my order from Lufa Farms today, I got a small package of Chickpea sprouts. I went to the website where they come from ( ) and was unable to find what to do with them. I did find this information at so I will give it a try and post my results

Marketplace Lufa Farms - rooftop garden in Montreal

Source: I have been getting food from Lufa Farms since the beginning of Dec 2013 and here are some of the products that our family loves the most. Giant Brandywine Heirloom tomatoes. I got the biggest tomato I have ever seen last week, it was bigger than my hand and was it ever delicious on my sandwich Giant Cherokee purple heirloom tomatoes  The Dodue loaf. We all like this one but found the last one a little dry. dried cranberries ....Sam and I love them  Balsamic vinegar Honey favourite on anything  I haven't opened up my mushroom kit yet because I want to make sure that once it's open and starting that I am here to make sure to enjoy it. I will probably do this in a couple of weeks. My hubby and I will be the only ones eating this. The kids are not big on mushrooms or at least this type. Maple sugar....Sam's is crazy about this and finds she doesn't need as much as regular w...

Commissioned Painting of Victor Davis

This painting was done for Justin Finney, from a picture that was taken of Victor Davis.

Blender pen refill recipe

source: Blender Pen Refill Recipe I'm adding my Blender Pen Refill Recipe to my blog so I will always know where it is!!! I can't believe I didn't think of this before! I keep losing things and I'd hate to lose this. I really like how this recipe works with my pens, markers and crayons. Yes, this is the recipe I gave to all my Watercolor Crayon Club members and now it's here for you too!! You will need a one ounce bottle. 2 teaspoons Glycerin 4 teaspoons Distilled* Water 1/4 teaspoon Rubbing Alcohol Mix all ingredients together. *Note: You MUST use distilled water. Tap water has minerals, Chlorine and other impurities in it. These will cause your pen to smell and/or get moldy. I keep misting bottles on my worktable and they are ALWAYS filled with Distilled Water. It's not worth the stink, mold or scum that could form inside the bottles. A gallon is under $1 and it lasts a LONG time. I highly rec...

Mediaeval Festival while visiting family in Texas

While visiting in Texas with my brother in law & sister in law, we went to this Mediaeval Festival and it was so real. Here are some of the photos that we took that day.