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Showing posts from March, 2014

Some older water colours being finished over the weekend for Art Fair @ Pointe Claire Curling Club April 5th 2014

                                                                    "Sun Burst"  7" x 9" 1/2  on 140lbs water colour                                           "Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, life is but a dream                                                     7" x 9" 1/2  on 140lbs water colour Untitled in the completion pile 7" x 9" 1/2  on 140lbs water colour  7" x 9" 1/2  on 140lbs water colour  This one should be sideways "Sunshine" ...

Start with 3 same designs and land up with 3 different paintings- using Liquitex and Pebeo paints

Here are 3 same designs that I started with a lace curtain on 6 x 12 inch canvases and worked each one with different mediums to get 3 completely different designs. First I sprayed Liquitex transparent Yellow, Red then White on the canvases. I let them dry for 45 mins. I then separated all the paintings with different mediums and played with each one over the course of 6 hours. So here are the results of playing with different mediums. First one was highlighted with some airbrush paint and Pebeo Gouche and outlined with Liquitex markers.  Second one, I used some pouring medium to highlight someof the floral design Third one, I used the Pebeo Gedeo relief mix and mirror effects. I have a couple of issues with the product, the tube burst open on the side and a lot of the product was lost. I will have to really build up the relief in order to be able to see some of the mirror effects. Maybe there is a thicker product to try. I will have to look into this...

Liquitex gloss medium- mini paintings update

I am trying to keep the colours nice and soft. So here is where they are. I really feel like darkening them up a bit but I will hold off till next week.

Liquitex Gloss Medium - new paintings in progress

It's been a while since I have used the Gloss Medium to do relief paintings. One of my best friends reminded me about how a bunch of them sold really well last year so I pulled this medium back out again. I may even try mixing the new Mirror Effect when they are completely dry. This will take approx 3-4 days depending on the weather conditions as humidity tends to make them take longer to dry. So here they are in the wet stage.

Playing around with some new materials - Pebeo Mirror effect leaves

Being so totally inspired by Sarah Moffat's trees, I went out and bought what I am hoping will give me some of the same cool effects she has in her paintings. I am testing the Pebeo Mirror Effect Leaves. I bought 12 sheets in each pack at Omer Desseres for $8.99 each and the paste for about $5.49. I bought the silver and the gold to test and may go back and buy the red and green at a later date if I am loving it. So here is one that I added some of the silver leaf on top of an existing painting done with pouring medium which I felt needed a little more bling. It is hard to see it with all the different colours so hopefully the one below will show up better because I didn't use too many different colours. Below is one that I just started this morning and I am waiting for the paste to cure before I can put on the mirror effects. It takes approx 2hrs to cure and then you lay the sheet over the painting and apply a little pressure. I used a the bottom of a pen.  a...

Lindsay Freitas Hopkins at Pen & Paint

What can I say about Linsay's work, well for starter's she has all the cutest and most up lifting sayings all wrapped up into cute little prints. 2 she is now having a give away if you go to to enter the contest. She also has a blog here: And she sell's on Etsy:

Liquitex Pouring medium paintings & getting ready for Art Fair

Here are some of the paintings that will be sold at the Art Fair on April 5th 2014 at Pointe Claire Curling Club                                                     Molly and Lolly acrylic soft body paints                                                                       6 x 12 Pouring Medium Flower with edges work on still.  I am not sure if I want to leave it white.  8 x 8  Inspired by Sarah Moffat, tree still in progress. I am not sure if I will make the background look more like a sunset or just add some more iridescent paint The tree itself will get a silver leaf over the black   8 X 8  This looks like one of those i...