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Showing posts from January, 2017

some photos of my art work blown up

Grace Booney from Design Sponge had once posted a really cool site that blows up your art work in a museum but along with the old computer which died so did most of my links and I am just too lazy to go searching through my back up for it. I came across one that is even cooler by putting your work up in a house setting.

Chalk paint and some decoupage on a vintage piece

I know a lot of people say to leave Vintage pieces alone but this one was ugly and used. It was the in / out basket for all our bills back in the 80's at Maislin Transport. When the offices were closing, our boss told us we could bring home our supplies so I brought home all my binders, stapler (which is the sturdiest thing on the planet) my tape dispenser and my mail box. I would have taken my metal desk if it didn't weigh a ton. so after all these years of looking at it filled with ugly bills, I decided it was elected to look pretty since I rarely get bills in the mail anyhow. I can now use it for my art work that will be needing to be photographed. side view with old labels on it The inside also had a awful label and water staining after one coat of "yesterday" grey paint by Americana Decor not sure which of the following will be decoupaged or maybe I may use the grey and white for sample for a stencil to make.  Turns out I will use s...

Some new water color, ink and gouache paintings

These were all done on Fabriano unica papers which I got as a sample when making a purchase at my local art store. I must say they are quite strong and can tolerate print making techniques. They are very nice on mono printing. I have yet to try them on gelli printing. And a couple of them will be torn up and used as collage with some matt medium in a new painting to be unveiled soon. 

Pebeo Paints

I have fallen in love again with another medium, Pebeo Vitrail glass paint, Prisime, Moon and Ceramic paints. I was at Omer Deserres and they had a package deal on various different mediums and a couple of canvases showing some of the different ways to use the product and I was hooked. I felt like a chemist exploring the various reactions that they all had when applied either on top of each other or beside or sometimes just dripping the product. Here is a couple of the paintings that I finally was able to keep from experimenting with and getting psychedelic

some chalk paint projects

New Year, new dreams

I haven't written anything in my blog for the longest time. Number one, my trusty old lap top was no longer supported by Microsoft because I was running on Windows Vista Professional which was fazed out last year. Number two, my blog got hacked and there are a lot of photos that have been removed. So I went out and bought a new lap top and I guess I got so used to the old one and working with my tablet and smart phone just because easier. The keyboard is foriegn to me and I even have a hard time using the caps lock. So first thing that is new this year is to pull out this baby and work on it at least 2 a week. I will drop watching tv and work on my blog a bit. Next thing that is new is my Fit Bit which has been challenging me to walk more which with my vascular issues is great. I try to maintain at least 6K a day but with the weather being so cold outside it becomes a bit of a challenge to walk my pug Henry but we go for longer walks on the days when its not so cold. He has hi...