I know a lot of people say to leave Vintage pieces alone but this one was ugly and used. It was the in / out basket for all our bills back in the 80's at Maislin Transport. When the offices were closing, our boss told us we could bring home our supplies so I brought home all my binders, stapler (which is the sturdiest thing on the planet) my tape dispenser and my mail box. I would have taken my metal desk if it didn't weigh a ton. so after all these years of looking at it filled with ugly bills, I decided it was elected to look pretty since I rarely get bills in the mail anyhow. I can now use it for my art work that will be needing to be photographed. side view with old labels on it The inside also had a awful label and water staining after one coat of "yesterday" grey paint by Americana Decor not sure which of the following will be decoupaged or maybe I may use the grey and white for sample for a stencil to make. Turns out I will use s...