So I don't really don't know how to sew but I do mend things. I have 3 machines in my possession. One might ask what is my passion with them. I really couldn't tell you all I know is I love sewing accessories, buttons, drawers and machines. \ One of the machines belonged to my mother which I made straight stitches but never experimented with any patterns. It broke quite often and at one point I just did not feel it was a wise investment to repair it anymore but I can't seem to get rid of it. The second one which I may still invest in repairing, I figured one day I would pull it out and make something but never have. The time has come to make a decision on which one stays and which one goes. The last one is one my oldest neighbors who gave it to me. It reminds me of my grandmothers that as a child would lie on the bottom and swing. This one will be taken apart to make a desk in the future if I don't sell it. I took all the drawers out because I use them to store m...
A little bit of collecting and crafting