Only because it was done in oil paint with on top of acrylic airbrush. Once you use oil paint you cannot use acrylics again. I should have thought about that but sometimes making a mistake is learning. While shopping at my favorite store the other day.....Omer Deserres, they had a new product sample at the cash which is oil paint that mixes with amazing. I will give it a try on this painting because otherwise I would have to wait until the spring to work outdoors because of the smell of the turpentine or similar solvents. So here is the painting in it's fix up stage and I will come back when finished to post the final results. I am not sure how I want to conclude it....its the center part that needs the work.
I found these sewing machine drawers at the curb last summer and have been debating what to do with them. I may try to sell on and keep the other for a project....hum so many projects....what shall I do? I love the detail on each of the little drawer pulls and one of them has this little detailed corner which is so cute. the bottom of this one lost it's veneer After some research on some of my blogs that I visit I found some great ideas like this one by Mamie Jane's Here is another idea to use the drawers for from = Or this one from = another real cute design for candle holders f...
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