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A million and one things to do - Day One

Day One- and now day 4 -A million and one things to do

I just finished my usual clean up this morning and now I have to tackle one or more of the things to do list.
Since I really hate paper work or bills hanging around I have decided that this would be the longest and hardest mission.

After that of course will be some free time to work on some art which is of course my favourite thing to do.
Must make sure to take photos of progression of work. Right now I have 5 paintings in the works on my newly stretched canvases that I did last week. A pair of winter skates in design phase and sketches for 2 paintings. I think since my time is limited today I will work on the skates. Photo to follow

 I have limited myself to only 45 mins on blogging, emails, and of course the famous is so addictive. I see cute ideas on there every day. So when the timer goes on in the kitchen on the stove so does the computer. I have opted to allow myself more time in the evening if I have tackled and concluded 3 things on my to do list instead of watching tv at night with hubby. But now he has me hooked on the Mentalist so it will be hard.
I like to play little games with myself because we all know that this "to do list" is an never ending story.

I will report back on completion of tasks at the end of the day:

Okay so it is day 3 now and I have accomplished alot but I have noticed that I have turned off the timer to do what would be a confession of an addict.....surfing on Pinterest tooo long. Back to the old drawing board. But in the mean time I have painted a pair of skates made 2 cards for my daughters friends who are delivering babies probably as I write this and managed to start on the some of the sketches for the daycare project for next Friday. In the meantime, I have made a new list of pieces that I have been asked to do and I am not sure how I will fit everything in by the end of the week.....further updates and knew photos to follow.

Day 4- It's Dec and I always get crafty at this time of the year. I have been know to be up on Christmas eve making gifts till the wee hours. Anyhow I got my Christmas mojo on yesterday in full force. I completed the design for the skates to be cut out as Christmas cards for the daycare center and now all I have to do it the design for the snowman. Almost finished the skates that I am painting. Started working on my sister painting after priming and setting up the easel. While I was priming, I came across 2 wonderful frames that I had got at a  garage sale a couple of years ago and I will either paint them white over the black or gold....I am not sure. I am partial to gold for frames. I will go out and by some canvas for them today. I am going art supply shopping today and have a huge list. I will probably be in the store for hours pondering over what is really needed And only after my cart is full to the brim, I will rethink what is really necessary and then go back through the store one more time. What I would like to complete this am is the painting I am doing for my sister and possibly the skates so that I can spray them with varnish and put the laces back up and hang.


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