This is from Balzer Designs on CONFIDENCE AND CREATING These are great ideas to help you to inspire you to do your ART....I know there are days when it just doesn't seem to be there. In my case, I have all my supplies all over the house in different bins and I loose my focus by not being able to find some of my supplies. Anyhow these are great tips: Take a class -- in person is best but online will do. Knowledge = Confidence. But taking a class is different from reading a book or watching a YouTube video, even though those both give you knowledge. A class inherently comes with a community. And a group of people who are all trying to learn the same things, going through the same struggles, and triumphing, can be very comforting. The reason I say that in person classes are best is because you are forced to create in that class. An online class allows you to watch the video or read the handout and not necessarily do anything about it....
A little bit of collecting and crafting