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Christmas gifts and latest paintings

The challenge was on for the holidays. I painted 6 paintings and I am still on a roll. I wake up every morning thinking about the next project. I just finished a portrait painting in colour which I am not really all that good at but it was a challenge anyhow. I also finished an oil painting which I started about 10 years ago and to my surprise I miss painting with oils. I don't miss the waiting time or the smells which everyone complains about but love the way the paint is easy to blend. Anyhow I figured I would post them and got on to some new commissioned projects tomorrow. 

This is a painting commissioned for Lee and Maureen. It's their two grandchildren. I haven't painted faces in colour in so long because I have the hardest time with them but it was good practice. 

This is my oil painting that I started about 10 years ago. I am letting the varnish dry a bit and will probably conclude it in the next couple of weeks. The background was my first experimentation of oils in my airbrush and I had to do it outside with a mask on because of the turpentine. 

2 Water Colour paintings for the next exhibit in March. For a change I am way ahead of myself unless I sell them b/4

Black and white "Johnny Depp" for Cathy in Calgary. 

My favourite dog "Jack" who I miss awfully 

3 Albert Einstein's were done for Joe, Joey and Peter

For my son in law Charlie

For my daughter Krista

For Uncle Egon & Christal 

Although I am not crazy about this one, it was commssioned by my sister Shari. The blue face is because it is a warrior. I know it looks more like a woman than a man....My sister likes it and that's all that matters. She knows I would paint over it in a second if she didn't like it. My kids hate it when I do that.

For my son's girlfriend, Liane 


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