So it is time again to think about down sizing. I own a lot of things. I love things....but if they break, I can live without them. So I have started taking pictures of my various things that I make and things that I collect either from auctions or garage sale, or even the curb where I clean everything and then re-do something with it. My kids and a couple of friends are worried that I may land up on the show "Hoarders" but I sell so much and give back to charities that I will be okay.....I do however want to be able to simplify my stuff and I have been posting and selling quite a bit on and now on my etsy account. Hopefully I can keep a list of all the stuff on each of the accounts and mark when they are sold accordingly.

Beautiful light green (Bakelite) costume jewellery from the early 60's.
2 necklaces, 3 pairs of clip on earrings and one(Bakelite)bracelet.
I am sure that the bracelet is (Bakelite) but the earrings and necklaces have not been tested.

Beautiful light green (Bakelite) costume jewellery from the early 60's.
2 necklaces, 3 pairs of clip on earrings and one(Bakelite)bracelet.
I am sure that the bracelet is (Bakelite) but the earrings and necklaces have not been tested.
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