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"The thrill of the find", an article by Susan Semenak in the Montreal Gazette about Barbara Pagani Blusanovics on tips and tricks for buying at secondhand places

Wow I am moved to read the article in the Montreal Gazette about "The thrill of the find" which was written by author Susan Semenak. Every little details we discussed in our interview was captured in the same way that I feel when I am out in pursuit of the diamond in the rough at garage sales, bazaars or second hand stores.
Stealth, focus,  preparedness. That’s what it takes to be an elite rummager like Barbara Blusanovics.
For decades now, the Lachine artist and collector  has been scouring  rummage sales, bazaars and garage sales for good deals, quirky treasures and exciting “finds”  which she weaves into her artwork and her home decor, or polishes up for resale.
Even though  she’s having fun, Blusanovics takes her rummaging very seriously. She organizes herself for rummage-sale season as if it were a military campaign, searching online and newspaper listings and plotting maps to make her outings more efficient. With a quick sweep of the terrain, she can spot a “diamond” hidden in  a table full of junk.
Like most diehard rummagers, what’s she’s after is that elusive “score” – an expensive item she paid $1 for, a mint-condition collectible, or an odd little bit that catches her fancy. These days she is on the lookout for Tommy Hilfiger children’s clothing and anything Winnie the Pooh for her grandchildren. She’s got a weakness for vintage purses and cookbooks, too. And she’s always open to a solid piece of vintage office furniture or a beer glass to add to the 150 others in her collection.
As Montreal’s fall rummage-sale season gets underway, Blusanovics shares a few of her winning strategies:
Plan your itinerary.
Blusanovics studies the Montreal Gazette’s annual fall fairs calendar. She checks out her local newspaper, too, for smaller events in her own community. She also searches craigslist for online news of other events. And then she creates her own rummage-sale calendar, which lists the dates and locations of her favourite fairs and sales. With that information she charts a map, which helps her follow the most efficient route as she darts from sale to sale.
“I need to have a clear idea of what’s on and when,” she says. “That way I can do four or five fairs in a day.”
Bring your own bags – sturdy ones.  Especially when shopping for heavy items, like books.
Get an overview. Before beginning to shop in earnest, do a reconnaissance tour around the venue, making mental note of what’s available and where.  Ask the prices of a few items, just to get an appreciation of how much things are going for. Then start shopping table to table.
State your business. Blusanovics says she always greets vendors warmly and chats about the weather. And then she gets right down to business, letting them know what she collects or what she is looking for on that particular day.
“Often what’s on the table isn’t all that there is,” she says.

 Don’t let go. When undecided, never let go of an item until you are absolutely sure you aren’t taking it. If it’s on the table, even for just a second, it’s fair game for others.
Stay alert. It gets hot in those church basements. The crowds can be oppressive. But this is no time for lolling. Blusanovics  always brings a bottle of water and a few snacks to keep her energy up and her focus sharp.
“If you are on a roll, you have to keep going, no matter what,” she says.

Money in your pocket. Keep a $5 bill folded up in your front pocket. Pull it out for a quick take-it-or-leave-it kind of deal. Blusanovics says just showing the money to a vendor can often clinch a deal. “It’s surprising how often you can get something priced at $20 for $5,” she says.
For smaller items, make sure to carry a change purse full of coins.

Bundle up. Presenting the vendor with more than one item at a time is a good way to get a “bulk” discount. That’s how Blusanovics snagged a $5 Burberry scarf for her daughter.

Pay attention to body language. It’s pretty easy to tell who is going to negotiate and who isn’t, Blusanovics says, just by studying their demeanour.
“If they are all business-like,  they usually won’t budge. But if they are relaxed and it looks like they are in the mood to get rid of things, then it’s worth bargaining.”
Always be polite. Even when dickering. Don’t diss the merchandise or antagonize the seller. It’s counterproductive. And it creates bad karma.
“I know what’s it like when people are rude to me at my own garage sales,” Blusanovics says. “And besides, this is supposed to be fun.”
Play a game. When things aren’t too busy, Blusanovics will ask a vendor if  he or she wants to play a game. She makes an offer on an item and asks the seller to name his price. They flip a coin. The winner sets the price.
“You’d be surprised how often people are willing to play,” she says.

Look, smell, touch. To avoid buying junk, look prospective purchases over carefully.  Watch for broken zippers, missing buttons, holes and under-arm stains  in clothing. Smell wool and other textiles for the whiff of mustiness, which is very hard to get rid of. To test for cracks in ceramics, Blusanovics gives them a light ping with her finger. “If there’s a crack,  you’ll hear a dull sound.”
Don’t buy electrical or electronic items unless you can test them to be sure they work.
Don’t waffle.  Or you’ll spend eternity pining for the deal that got away. If you love it, go for it,  Blusanovics says. Years later, she is still regretting a chenille bedspread she passed up just because its edges were a little frayed. Anyway, rummage sale purchases don’t usually break the bank, even if they turn out to have been a mistake.
Don’t get too excited, either. A lot of people get swept up in all the excitement. They buy for the sake of buying. “Don’t take home anything you won’t enjoy wearing or looking at, no matter how good a deal it might seem,” Blusanovics says.
Go solo. Or at least split up while browsing. Blusanovics says it’s often more productive to rummage alone, without children or spouses or friends who ask impertinent questions like “Do you really need that?” or “What are you going to do with that?” Besides, too much socializing distracts from the job at hand.
Clean up.  Clean everything as soon as it comes into the house. Keep clothing and textiles in plastic bags until they go into the washing machine. Run ceramics and glassware through the dishwasher. Hand wash fragile pieces.


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