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Showing posts from August, 2010

Quote for today

came across this at and just couldn't resist posting it. It is exactly how I feel

Thought for today

I have been collecting anything old for as long as I can remember. My grandfathers both enjoyed making stuff out of trash or what would be considered trash to most people. I learnt at a very young age that what was at the curb was yours although my parents didn't have the same feeling. As soon as I moved out on my own I started rescuing curbed items and painting them and either reusing them or giving them away as gifts. I love to go to auctions, garage sales and still can't resist the evening out to check out my neighboring refuse. I strongly believe that if items that still had a life were not sent to trash but to some sort of a warehousing that we would see a lot more creative people reusing a vast majority of items that now land up in the land fill. I am spreading the word, one day at a time.